Carnegie Mellon University

Inside the Plan

The Finance Division is about more than just money and assets. We are builders and connectors who ensure the university can not only deliver on its mission, but also innovate and thrive for the foreseeable future. Through top-tier financial expertise, evidence-based analysis, and creative thinking with a human approach, we are equipped to keep all of CMU in a position of strength.

The Finance Division Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027 serves as the blueprint of our vision to not only safeguard the university's financial health, but also to elevate our financial talent and community, drive new procedural and technical efficiencies, enhance our systems that support optimal business performance, identify emerging opportunities, and reimagine our commitment to excellent service.

University Finance Center of Excellence

In pursuing this strategic plan, the Finance Division endeavors to build and bolster a University Finance Center of Excellence (COE)—an inclusive ecosystem of both central and department finance experts and stakeholders that partner to provide leadership, best and equitable practices, research, analytics, support and training for all financial matters. The University Finance COE will:

  • STRENGTHEN TRUST by serving as dedicated advisors on financial matters, protecting the university's long-term positioning and performance.
  • DRIVE EFFICIENCY by managing financial processes from end-to-end, effectively integrating finance and business aspects of procedures and optimizing collective efforts.
  • CREATE VALUE by providing elevated decision support, proactively supporting stakeholders and effective prioritization to enable nimble business decisions.

We invite you to be part of the University Finance COE and engage with us as we evolve.

COE Resources

Financial Training Package leave site icon

This spreadsheet aggregates valuable training opportunities for finance professionals at all career stages. Trainings are sourced from a variety of providers including: CMU's Finance Training and Communications team, FocusU, NACUBO, LinkedIn Learning, and more.

National Organizations Leave site icon

We encourage you to peruse this list of national organizations which provide membership benefits, development opportunities, and networking relevant to finance professionals. Familiarize yourself with these organizations and their offerings to determine if one or more is a good fit for you!

Finance Division 2023 - 2027 Strategic Goals

Employee Recruitment,
Development and Engagement

icon reading Employee Recruitment Development and Engagement with a graphic of three people and a magnifying glass

We listen.
We cultivate.
We celebrate.
We grow.

Impact of this Goal:
Thriving Community


Financial Sustainability
and Reporting

icon with text reading Financial Sustainability and Reporting with graphic of three dollar bills and a stack of coins

We illuminate.
We analyze.
We empower.
We serve.

Impact of this Goal:
Enlightened Insight


Policies, Processes
and Compliance

icon with text reading Policies and Processes and graphic of a stack of documents and a shield

We partner.
We guide.
We clarify.
We improve.

Impact of this Goal:
Enhanced Experience


and Technology

icon with text reading Systems and Technology with graphic showing a loop of a person, gear, and document

We question.
We tinker.
We simplify.
We build.

Impact of this Goal:
Innovative Spirit


Explore the Plan

Our Guiding Principles

Our mission, vision, and core values

CMU graduates throwing caps in the air at graduation

Our Goals

The priorities that will make our vision a reality

cmu fence painted yellow and blue

Our Road Ahead

Please contact us at to learn more and explore ways to engage with the Finance Division. We look forward to partnering with you as we pursue our goals and strategic initiatives!

The Finance Division is proud of its many contributions to our world-class university and is honored to continue to serve as the stewards of the university’s financial resources to help maintain its strong financial health. This allows CMU to boldly seize strategic opportunities to further its education, research and service mission and have a transformative impact on society.

Thank you to our division staff, campus partners, stakeholders and leadership for your dedication to the university’s mission, collaborative spirit, partnership and support as the Finance Division executes our Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027.